Caffè Gora

March - August 2008: It realizes the Production of  "Caffè Gora" documentary starts. Directed by Marino Brandoly, the documentary talks about the problematic relationship between the Gorana communty and Kossovo territory.

"Restelica is one of the most remote and isolated place in Kosovo. After the war in '99, due two the lack of jobs and due to securitynproblems, the small village originaly inhabited by the Gorani community is now almost empty. The only presence are old people, women and kids; the workers, emigrated in order to find new opportunities for their families, live suspended between the necessity of working abroad and the need to find again their own home."

6° Mexico City International Contemporary Film Festival  17 Febbrary 2009 -1 March 2009

A Tanya Mangalakova reportage.
Gora city
Gora city
Gora citizen
Gora citizen
Gora citizen
Gora citizen